Meet our 2022 Bloch Pre Professionals, talented Level 8 students James McDonell and Indiana Scott. We are excited to take a moment to shine a spotlight on their dedication to the art of dance and how Bloch’s footwear has helped shape their journey.

In a recent interview with the rising talent, Indiana expressed "I have worn Bloch Aspiration pointe shoes since my journey started at The Australian Ballet School in 2019, and to this day my Aspirations have never let me down. They are still perfectly malleable enough towards the back of the shoe to mould with my arch making them equally comfortable and reliable."

The sentiment was gracefully echoed by James, sharing "Bloch Performa Ballet Flats are my favourite shoe! They're pre-sewn, so I can put them on without any hassle. The way they're shaped is very flattering and make your feet look at their best. Ballet shoes are one of the most important items for a dancer so to have a shoe that fits seamlessly is a win."
View the campaign on the Bloch Australia Website
We are proud to have Bloch as our Official Uniform & Performance Partner. Thank you for supporting our dancers so they can reach their utmost potential.
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