Select senior students are offered exciting opportunities to participate in a number of international ballet competitions including the Prix de Lausanne, the Asian Pacific International Ballet Competitions held biennially in Tokyo, and the Beijing International Ballet Competition held biennially in Beijing.
The Australian Ballet School is recognised by the Prix de Lausanne as one of the international training institutions where finalists may take up their scholarship.
Over the past few years, Lisa Pavane has co-adjudicated the Robert and Elizabeth Albert Junior Classical Ballet Scholarship; an ongoing collaboration with the Sydney Eisteddfod. As part of this prestigious section, each year The Australian Ballet School, at its discretion, may offer scholarships to promising students, for entry into either the Full-Time or the Interstate Training Programme. Lisa talks here about her involvement with the Sydney Eisteddfod:
The Australian Ballet School’s Psychologist/Counsellor is actively involved in the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS), and the School's Kinetic Educator is the President of IADMS.
The Australian Ballet School offers exchange opportunities for selected students with Canada's National Ballet School.
Students are also able to participate in a number of other extracurricular events each year, such as the annual School Swimming Carnival, fundraising and other special events.